How to use bluestacks to create multiple instagram account
How to use bluestacks to create multiple instagram account

how to use bluestacks to create multiple instagram account

Step 4: Now after adding multiple Instagram accounts, you can switch between them without having to log out and log back in and to do that just again go to the Profile and at the top screen you will see your Instagram username, tap on the that a drop down box will appear with all Instrgam user accounts just select which you want to turn on & switch to use. Step 3: As shown in the screenshot enter your Instagram credentials to add a new account to the Instagram. Step 2: Scroll down to the bottom to find the option called “Add Account”. From there just tap on the three dots as shown in the below screenshot to access your Instagram profile settings. Step 1: Open the Instagram and tap on the profile icon which has given at the end of the screen.

  • Tap on the Sign up with email or phone number option link to create and add a new Instagram account from the same app.
  • From the login screen, tap on the Sign-up option.
  • From profile tap on the three dots given at the right side above to access the Profile settings.
  • Tap on the profile icon given at the extreme right on the bottom of the screen.
  • If you want to add multiple accounts on Instagram but not have anyone then you can make another Instagram account within the app without logging out please follow the given steps. How to make another Instagram account on the same device
  • On the top left side, you will see the switch between accounts drop box.
  • To s witch between accounts without Log out/ Log in again go to your Insta profile.
  • Enter your different Instagram account Username and Password credentials.
  • how to use bluestacks to create multiple instagram account

    From the Profile settings, scroll down to the bottom.For iPhone, it will be horizontal and in Android vertical. Tap on the three dots given at the right above side to access the Profile settings.How do I add and switch between multiple Instagram accounts? Note, all the steps given below are same for Android, iPhone or any other device. In order to access multiple users accounts on same Instagram app follow the given steps. Step By Step Tutorial with Screenshot How to have multiple users on one Instagram account

    How to use bluestacks to create multiple instagram account